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Just picked this up! We're planning on playing it on the Gamewoven podcast! Episode should be up sometime this summer, cheers!


This game looks beautiful, but I have a real, genuine question. 

Most of my friends are queer, but I'm not. I'm straight, white, cisgender, heterosexual. I'm other things too but I am also certainly those things.

Can I play TIAGAF? Or am I partaking in an experience that just is not meant for me?


Hey thanks for the question! You can definitely play! TIAGAF is meant for everyone except bigots. I encourage you to play a queer character when you play, and if your friends are comfortable sharing their experiences as queer people I encourage you to listen to them and think about how you can explore in this space! I’d love to hear how your game goes, and if your group is ok with it I’d love to get a DM or email with how it went!


Up until an hour ago, I was cautiously optimistic that I had written the first fishing trpg.

Not only did TIAGAF beat me by a mile, it's also ridiculously good.

The writing's super engaging---pulpy, fun, and everything feels like it makes perfect sense within the setting.

The game concept is also really strong. You're daring misfits on a post-apocalyptic anti-corporate fish heist. You punch mechs and steal pike from heavily guarded vault-aquariums.

Belonging Outside Belonging is a narrative-first kind of system, so it may not be for everyone, but TIAGAF also has one of the most engaging explanations of the Belonging Outside Belonging rules that I've seen in a game, so I'd encourage people who aren't sold on the idea of a roleplaying game without dice to still give this a second look.

For folks who already like Belonging Outside Belonging, TIAGAF takes the system a step further with its Resolution mechanic. Basically, for each Move, you choose the permanent result that happens every time you use it. Use the Move often, and you can choose a second permanent result that you can cause to happen instead.

The whole game channels this same sort of almost supernatural level of "yes and", with all player actions succeeding and the whole group just sort of one-upping each other to make the story more high-octane and ridiculous, and the whole time the wonderful flavor of the book is leaning right in and saying "what happens next?"

Overall, it's 36 pages, it's really clever, and it's worth the read. If you like fishing trpgs, get this one. If you like things that are good, get this one.

Honestly, it's Mirror's Edge but you're stealing carp. I don't know what stronger endorsement I can give a thing.


This is an incredible review thank you! I’m so happy you enjoyed the read & thank you for brightening my morning!


It's a really cool game!

Also I wanted to ask, would it be okay if I put a link to TIAGAF on my fishgame's page? I want to promote this niche microgenre when I can, and I'd like to put links to other fishgames as I find them.

I've also updated the advertising for my game so that it's not claiming to be "possibly the first fishing rpg." I'd googled the genre before writing that line, but TIAGAF didn't surface in the search results, and now I'm wondering how many others I completely missed.


Go for it! That makes me delighted. I’m always on the lookout for more fishing RPGs!!


What's the minimum # of players needed to start the game? I can't quite tell from the documentation. Is a player needed for each of the listed playbooks or are those just listed as examples for roles to fill? Thanks for the work you put in! 


Good question! I’ll add something to the games description to clarify. You can play with as few as 2 players but the magic number is 3-5 from my experience.

Great to know, thanks! :)


I wasn't sure at the start of the description because this all sounds a bit close to home, but the paragraph about how absurdity in play can help because everything is absurd right now but is absolutely the mind set of my community right now so I'm hekkin keen